Today is a new day. Thank God this new day is Friday! I think that God is so awesome to have thought through this whole calendar idea. It took us humans waaaaaay too long to figure out the best way to organize the time God has given to us on Earth, but I am glad we finally did.
Starting the week with Sunday makes so much sense to me. Right then, one can hand the whole week to God and just tag along with Him for seven days. How cool is that??
God is used to doing all of the 'heavy lifting'; Mondays go by with ease because of this! It's like He takes the stairs so there is room for the rest of us in the elevator.
On Tuesdays, we can join forces with Him while plodding through the day. He works in the other time zones around the world, so it only makes sense that we take up the slack on this day.
Wednesday is the day people seem to dislike the most; people forget to ask God for help. We regularly have to wait for God to respond because He is busy cleaning up after the Big Bad Serpent, while keeping Mother Nature in check, and checking His messages (prayers of intercession to the Saints and Mary).
Thursday rolls around to remind folks that God has not forgotten us; and we are bolstered by the fact that He is leading us to the weekend, right around the corner! Yes!!
And then Friday shows up, the day people begin to organize their time around family and friends. People start to relax a little and look forward to getting in some rest after a long week.
Saturday is like God's little bonus for us all--another chunk of time to spend with family and friends, or just on our own. It can be a fun and rejuvenating day.
And then the week begins again...Sunday...a day for thanking God for allowing us to get through one week and to start another, hand in hand with Him...
TGIF, and have a fantastic weekend...
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