Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Gardening for Glory

My daily devotions are all online.  Today, the focus was on the words from Luke 8:15:
But as for the seed that fell on rich soil, they are the ones who, when they have heard the word, embrace it with a generous and good heart, and bear fruit through perseverance.
The question of whether or not the soil of my life is rich enough for the seed to be planted is easily answered for me.  The Word of God has taken root in my heart already, and I try to tend that garden every day!  However, as I reflect on this more deeply, I am faced with the question of whether or not I can prepare the hearts of others in the same way...

How can I prepare soil that seems to fight back with me at every opportunity?  What can I do to clear out the weeds and rocks and fertilize that soil?  My only recourse has been prayer--my own and those I have requested.  And though I would like to think that prayer is enough for everyone, I am faced with the possibility that for some, more than prayer is needed.  I am faced with the possibility that I am missing something.  But what could it be...?

I will continue to pray that the Word might take root with less resistance in the hearts of those who need to hear it the most.  And I will pray for some enlightenment as to what else I can do to encourage this.  It is my great hope that the hearts around me ALL transform into lush and fragrant gardens of the Word, and that we can cultivate them together for God's greater glory.


A link to today's devotion:  http://www.loyolapress.com/assets/Bookcovers/58916_rich-soil.swf

1 comment:

  1. Prayer is ALWAYS an answer...no matter the question. (Revisit "Questions Worth Asking;" then pray for enlightenment!) But remember that Love always wins wars. Love the Lord your God... God is Love... Faith, Hope, Love...but the greatest of these is Love.
    I'm praying for you, too. And I Love you.


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