Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Down Time

Somehow, Tuesday passed me by in a blur.  What's the deal with that??  Losing days is NO FUN.  The spouse you married in his/her prime has a few more gray hairs and lines of life experience across the brow.  The children who were once the tiniest of babies have grown into toddlers, tweens, and teens.  I wish, sometimes, they'd stay little forever.  I find myself wishing on a regular basis for more time...

Time management is tricky at my house.  We stay extremely busy.  Aside from homeschooling hurdles with my toddler in tow--not a particularly graceful image--there is soccer, Scouts, church, CCD, Catholic youth group, Christian youth group, academic clubs, and volunteering to be worked into every week--on top of homework, exploring the local area, regular outside play, etc!  Call me crazy; but sometimes I think we need to work in more things--I most recently have been racking my brain to figure out how to work in toddler ballet classes (or "dancing school" as my Little calls it).

Most people take time for granted.  Most people want to fill every minute of every day with some event or activity.  Most people forget all about DOWN TIME.  When I start thinking about our family schedule, I count myself as one of them.  But today being Wednesday--"hump day" as it were--I find myself dreaming of down time.  I know that by the weekend, I will have all of my days filled; but right now it is nice to envision lazy days with a sprinkling of spontaneous fun moments...

Down time is so valuable.  A little rest and relaxation can help us to settle our souls and experience peace; we almost always feel refreshed afterwards.  It is a pity that most of us don't take advantage of it more often.  My prayer today is that I can say "no" to things that will not enrich my life as much as a little down time; that I can to use my down time to more fully experience the lazy days, spontaneity, and fun with my family; and that I can witness the growth and change of my family so that it is not a blur in my mind, but rather an embellishment of my heart.


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