Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Gardening for Glory

My daily devotions are all online.  Today, the focus was on the words from Luke 8:15:
But as for the seed that fell on rich soil, they are the ones who, when they have heard the word, embrace it with a generous and good heart, and bear fruit through perseverance.
The question of whether or not the soil of my life is rich enough for the seed to be planted is easily answered for me.  The Word of God has taken root in my heart already, and I try to tend that garden every day!  However, as I reflect on this more deeply, I am faced with the question of whether or not I can prepare the hearts of others in the same way...

How can I prepare soil that seems to fight back with me at every opportunity?  What can I do to clear out the weeds and rocks and fertilize that soil?  My only recourse has been prayer--my own and those I have requested.  And though I would like to think that prayer is enough for everyone, I am faced with the possibility that for some, more than prayer is needed.  I am faced with the possibility that I am missing something.  But what could it be...?

I will continue to pray that the Word might take root with less resistance in the hearts of those who need to hear it the most.  And I will pray for some enlightenment as to what else I can do to encourage this.  It is my great hope that the hearts around me ALL transform into lush and fragrant gardens of the Word, and that we can cultivate them together for God's greater glory.


A link to today's devotion:  http://www.loyolapress.com/assets/Bookcovers/58916_rich-soil.swf

Monday, October 25, 2010

A prayer...

O Lord my God,
Teach my heart this day where and how to see you,
Where and how to find you.
You have made me and remade me,
And you have bestowed on me
All the good things I possess,
And still I do not know you.
I have not yet done that
For which I was made.
Teach me to seek you,
For I cannot seek you
Unless you teach me,
Or find you
Unless you show yourself to me.
Let me seek you in my desire,
Let me desire you in my seeking.
Let me find you by loving you,
Let me love you when I find you.
                                        --St. Anselm

Sunday, October 24, 2010

It's Raining, It's Pouring...

I awoke this morning to witness the greyness and wind and rain that tumbled into this sleepy town.  I squeezed my eyes closed and wished for clear blue skies and a rainbow...then opened one eye...then the other...but, alas, the grim grey clouds and angry winds and cold rain remained.  My last hope:  a rainbow...

At Mass today, the priest reflected on the readings of the day.  He said that though parents are regularly 'poured out like a libation', they can rest in the knowledge that they will never run empty because God walks with them.  God is the reason for parents' acts of love.  Parents are a manifestation of God's love for children on Earth.  Parents are the first angels children ever experience, caring for their every need.  Parents love purely and wholly, without requiring that they be loved back.

As a parent myself, I am so thankful to know that, even in moments when I am so tired and hopeless and fearful and worried and doubtful, God is here to refill my spirit.  I am so glad to have this rainbow. 

Sunday, October 17, 2010

I need a tissue!!

Every 10-20 seconds, I get the call:  "Mama, I need a tissue!!"  The Little has a cold (compliments of her big bro).  It is exhausting when she has a cold because she refuses to wipe her own runny nose.  I understand needing help to blow her nose--she IS only two years old--but the wiping?  Really??

I guess this is how God must feel about me some days.  So many times I ask Him for assistance with something, praying for Him to swoop in and save the day.  I know He is willing to help me with anything I ask; but I sometimes fail to realize that I don't really need God to do everything for me--I can at least do the little things!

I need to remember the lesson that "God helps those who help themselves!"  I will attempt to focus on this a little more today...but, God, if you're listening right this second, I would be wholly obliged if You swooped in with the tissue right now...

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Questions worth asking...

I have been thinking for the past week or so about all of the unanswered questions people might have.  Lives are spent looking for answers to big questions, trying to find our way in the world.  Most people never have all the answers they seek.  I am lucky to know that even though I may never have all of my questions answered, I will be just fine because I have faith in God who has my best interest at heart.  Of course, even that knowledge does not quell the need to question, the need to seek answers.  I have plenty of questions that I have been asking for awhile now.  Here are just a few...  (Please note that I have not yet found answers to most of these questions; if you have any ideas, please feel free to share!)

1. What are the needs I can fulfill?  How can I fulfill them?
2. What can I do to make the world a better place?
3. Why do so many people suffer from medical emergencies/illnesses?
4. Why do people say God's presence is a mystery?
5. How is God present in my life?
6. How can I demonstrate Godliness to others?
7. Why is it so difficult to forgive?
8. How can I be more at peace in my life?
9. Why is life such hard work?
10. Why do I have so many unanswered questions?  Will I ever have more answers than questions?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tuesday's child is full of grace...

Today is Tuesday.  Another busy day for the Mehlhaff family...but I am inclined to reflect on the last few days, to give praise for the triumphs and to pray to resolve all the failures.  I am struck by the idea of grace and the role it has played...

Some people think it's coffee that gets us through our days--admittedly, the glorious drink has dazzled me into thinking so on occasion!  But if we stop to think about it just a little bit, it is clear what the real deal is:  grace!  Grace is always hot, never runs out, and never fails to stimulate us!  Grace is the mark of God on one's heart, that allows us to enjoy triumphs and deal with failures.  Grace is what strengthens us so that we might do great things, and fortifies us when greatness eludes us.

Grace is what we all need, and what I'm praying for most today...albeit with a cup o' joe in hand...


Friday, October 8, 2010

Friday Blog Entry? Check!

Only Robinson Crusoe had everything done by Friday.  ~Author Unknown

I wish my list of things to do was as short as Crusoe's!  It seems, though, that my list never ends.  I get to check off things as I go, but the repetitive nature of some things disallows a fully checked list...ever.  It can be very discouraging.  I try to remember that all I do can be in God's honor...and that His list is the truly perpetual one.  I pray that I can work through my list with more grace each day than the last...

Happy Friday!


Thursday, October 7, 2010


Today I have been running around the house chasing toddler tornadoes and tidying toys of said toddler.  I have been trying to explain up the street and down again the value of reading carefully.  I have been teaching the alphabet.  I have been driving to the grocery store, planning Halloween costumes, and driving to soccer practice.  I have been cleaning up messes.  I have been having story time and baking pizzas.  I have been giving baths and wiping bottoms.  I have been passing messages.  I have been finishing dishwashing and making lunches......

Oh, wait.

Today I have been praying.  I have been listening.  I have been guiding.  I have been teaching.  I have been comforting.  I have been encouraging.  I have been cultivating spirit and character.  I have been safe-keeping.  I have been maintaining health.  I have been helping.  I have been problem-solving.  I have been loving.

Wow.  I am Mama...hear me ROAR...

(Thank you, God, for your blessings this day.  Thank you for helping me to see my blessings clearly, that I might focus on the rewards rather than the sacrifices.  Thank you for teaching me to love, that I might show love in all I do.  Help me to do it better tomorrow than I did it today.  And God Bless my Littles and their Daddy.  Amen.)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Down Time

Somehow, Tuesday passed me by in a blur.  What's the deal with that??  Losing days is NO FUN.  The spouse you married in his/her prime has a few more gray hairs and lines of life experience across the brow.  The children who were once the tiniest of babies have grown into toddlers, tweens, and teens.  I wish, sometimes, they'd stay little forever.  I find myself wishing on a regular basis for more time...

Time management is tricky at my house.  We stay extremely busy.  Aside from homeschooling hurdles with my toddler in tow--not a particularly graceful image--there is soccer, Scouts, church, CCD, Catholic youth group, Christian youth group, academic clubs, and volunteering to be worked into every week--on top of homework, exploring the local area, regular outside play, etc!  Call me crazy; but sometimes I think we need to work in more things--I most recently have been racking my brain to figure out how to work in toddler ballet classes (or "dancing school" as my Little calls it).

Most people take time for granted.  Most people want to fill every minute of every day with some event or activity.  Most people forget all about DOWN TIME.  When I start thinking about our family schedule, I count myself as one of them.  But today being Wednesday--"hump day" as it were--I find myself dreaming of down time.  I know that by the weekend, I will have all of my days filled; but right now it is nice to envision lazy days with a sprinkling of spontaneous fun moments...

Down time is so valuable.  A little rest and relaxation can help us to settle our souls and experience peace; we almost always feel refreshed afterwards.  It is a pity that most of us don't take advantage of it more often.  My prayer today is that I can say "no" to things that will not enrich my life as much as a little down time; that I can to use my down time to more fully experience the lazy days, spontaneity, and fun with my family; and that I can witness the growth and change of my family so that it is not a blur in my mind, but rather an embellishment of my heart.


Monday, October 4, 2010

Baby Steps...

We are trying to build more respect and trust into our relationships.  We are praying more, being more thoughtful and aware of our words and actions, and praising and thanking each other as our day unfolds.  We are making every effort to have more peace in our own hearts, so there is more peace in our home.  We are striving to be more loving towards one another in even the smallest things.  Thank goodness, thank God for baby steps on this Monday...


Sunday, October 3, 2010

Can You Hear Me Now??

Sometimes the voice of God is more difficult to hear than we'd like.  Like a cell phone in a dead zone, we are often left out of range for one reason or another.  Sometimes, we end up in places with better reception than others; but we lose the signal shortly after we get His call.  Sometimes, our attention is diverted by the catchy ring tone of His competition.  But more often than not, the signal is strong enough for us to hear God's call, if we have the courage to answer it...

If you go to church regularly, you no doubt are aware of God's call for His people to serve Him by serving others.  Some people answer the call by volunteering in their church, or in their community.  Some people work in a service-oriented field, from teaching to nursing to the military, etc.  Some people serve within their immediate families, by way of their daily activities and accomplishments.

But there is more to answering the call than just the basic act of service.  One must remember to serve as Jesus did, without regard for social status, health risks, or recompense.  One must remember to serve with an open heart and mind, ever aware of the reason behind the action.  One must remember that to truly serve is to LOVE.

God is calling all of us.  He is shouting, "Can you hear me now??"  Hopefully you are in range of His call, and can wholeheartedly answer with a resounding, "YES!"

Friday, October 1, 2010


Today is a new day.  Thank God this new day is Friday!  I think that God is so awesome to have thought through this whole calendar idea.  It took us humans waaaaaay too long to figure out the best way to organize the time God has given to us on Earth, but I am glad we finally did.

Starting the week with Sunday makes so much sense to me.  Right then, one can hand the whole week to God and just tag along with Him for seven days.  How cool is that??

God is used to doing all of the 'heavy lifting'; Mondays go by with ease because of this!  It's like He takes the stairs so there is room for the rest of us in the elevator.

On Tuesdays, we can join forces with Him while plodding through the day.  He works in the other time zones around the world, so it only makes sense that we take up the slack on this day. 

Wednesday is the day people seem to dislike the most; people forget to ask God for help.  We regularly have to wait for God to respond because He is busy cleaning up after the Big Bad Serpent, while keeping Mother Nature in check, and checking His messages (prayers of intercession to the Saints and Mary).

Thursday rolls around to remind folks that God has not forgotten us; and we are bolstered by the fact that He is leading us to the weekend, right around the corner!  Yes!!

And then Friday shows up, the day people begin to organize their time around family and friends.  People start to relax a little and look forward to getting in some rest after a long week.

Saturday is like God's little bonus for us all--another chunk of time to spend with family and friends, or just on our own.  It can be a fun and rejuvenating day.

And then the week begins again...Sunday...a day for thanking God for allowing us to get through one week and to start another, hand in hand with Him...

TGIF, and have a fantastic weekend...
