I wonder in today's day and age where we have gone wrong as a nation. So many terrible things happen in America on a daily basis. Aside from the unlawful things, there are things that are just plain immoral and even evil. Take, for example, the current situation in Arizona. A lone gunman targeted a group of people gathered for a political event, killing six and wounding another 14. Why did this horrible thing happen? The big "why" can only be answered by God; but the small "why" is a question for humanity. A friend of mine addressed this issue very well to me this morning...I posted the following as a note on my Facebook page, but wanted to repost here...
My friend has it right: ...Isn't it in fact "our" responsibility to have either interviewed or evaluated [the Arizona shooter] professionally, even if against his will, especially after there were 10 written and verbal concerns to the school admin? Especially since thousands read his countless internet blogs? I do not subscribe to the idea that no one can do anything to help, unless someone commits a crime, as the police say. Many saw a crime coming and not only did society fail the victims, they failed this young man who is now overwhelmed with hate.....and hate : love :: [d]evil : God. Jesus said He would not leave one single sheep behind. As believers, then, we must see that while Jesus watched out for him for so long before he committed the crime, we did not do our part...and so he *was* left behind.
My friend and I are firm believers in personal responsibility. We are both strong Christian believers. She said that she didn't have to strength to post this herself because she feared people would think ill of her, or that she is crazy! But she, like I, certainly would not want to offend anyone. Isn't that where our country has failed, by having fear of "offending" each other?
If you feel the need to comment, please be respectful. I am tolerant (as all Americans should be) of the views of others, but not of disrespect and hate. PLEASE NO FLAMES!! I will remove any such posts! (Posted for you, my friend C.--you know who you are!!)
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