Tuesday, March 8, 2011


PRAISE = Positive Response Amidst Incredibly Stressful Events

I recently discovered this acronym within a comment on a Facebook page I follow; and it certainly struck a chord with me.  As a military Mama and wife, I am doing my best to keep this acronym at the forefront of my thoughts right now.
The conflict overseas has taken so many of our military heroes away from families.  The conflict has caused so much upheaval and change.  The conflict has created so much stress for so many people in so many ways.  How can they get through it all?
One thing they can do is turn to God.  He knows our hearts; He knows what we need.  Praising Him can be an expression of our joy in the easier times, but also a great comfort in the tough times.  In times such as these, remembering to PRAISE is surely one of the best ways to cope, so our faces shine with grace and hope, along with our pride in those who have volunteered to serve and protect our nation and its citizens!

Below is a personal reflection informed by my military lifestyle (cross-posted from my Facebook page)...


Honor and Sacrifice

I am confident in my patriot: his competence and skill, his resolve and fortitude, his convictions and his faith; plus I accepted in advance the repercussions of our choice, including the probability of long separations.  We signed up for this, honored to be able to serve and support our great nation.  But my heart does ache for the children--mine and all the others--who bravely say goodbye and good luck and Godspeed, with proud and grateful hearts, all the while wishing for just one more pat on the back, one more story to be read, one more kiss before parting...

Freedom Fighters
by Erika Mehlhaff

It is our honor
And our sacrifice
To proudly stand and serve,
When all around us
Trouble sounds,
Drowning out the word:

We're a steady group
Of guardians,
Taking on our shoulders
The great albatross
Of this land:
The great struggle for

We know our duty;
we know our goal.
It's absolutely clear:
We are fighting for
Our love of
Our country and our


1 comment:

  1. Thank you...for these words...for the sacrifices...for your love...I love you...Give my love to the kiddos...Send my love overseas too...


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