I am pondering thusly: if a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to see/hear it, did it really happen...and, what is the speck in my eye that makes it so I can't see passed the nose on my face...further, does God's Holy 2x4* really look like a 2x4 or what...? And also: why can't I see the forest for the trees...and, what is this speck doing in my eye anyways, and how do I get it out...further, what the heck are these bruises from--being beaten black and blue by said 2x4?
I am excited to say that I have discovered some answers to these questions! Here is a bit of back story, some context for the answers...
I have been thinking about friends of mine who exemplify Christian living, and reflecting on how they stay grounded in their faith amidst the chaos of the world. I have crossed paths with exemplary Christian women in person, online, and in reading. I have reflected on Mary's example of listening and being open to God's call. I have read Proverbs 31 and rediscovered the woman of strength and grace there, after a friend of mine (another wonderful female Christian example) mentioned that she will be referencing "the Proverbs lady" in a talk she's preparing to give. I have been inspired to make an attempt at following the examples they all have set.
I have realized (though only today) that God is trying to get my attention, to remind me of what it means to be an exemplary woman; and all of these women have been 'showing up' recently as part of His plan. This realization led me to some great conclusions about my recent pondering...
So, here's what I now know: These women who have come into view are all trees in the forest around me; and they are exemplary regardless of whether or not there are witnesses. That said, I can be a witness--if I get that speck out of my eye...
I have identified the speck in my eye. Actually, it isn't always the same speck--there are many that can find their way into my eye. Sometimes it is the speck of pride or vanity; other times, carelessness or thoughtlessness. Sometimes it is laziness or indifference; other times, immaturity or intolerance. The list goes on and on. Most people have had specks like these in their eyes at one point or another. To remove these things, I'm finding it necessary to listen more and better, keep an open mind, foster a greater sense of humor, and pray often--and sometimes very loudly!
And as for the Holy 2x4, I get a good whack from it more regularly than I would like to recognize. It apparently takes many forms--whatever I need to be jolted from my hazy state of obscurity! Some days, the 2x4 is the guy driving really badly in front of me who forces me to practice patience; other days it is a friend or relative who guides me away from complacency; other days still it is one of my children who reminds me to love out loud rather than get bogged down in frustration and disappointment...
The bruises are from the aforementioned 2x4, of course. If I remember to open my eyes and my heart, I no doubt will suffer fewer bruises. As for the bruises I do receive, I take comfort in knowing that they will serve as reminders to me to pay attention!!
*Thanks to my friend Sally for the awesome 2x4 metaphor!
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