So, a couple of days ago, my computer got sick. It was some kind of cold or something. I am not sure from whence it came; but it was a nasty little virus, for sure. Thankfully, a renowned computer doctor--my husband--made a house call and treated the computer immediately. Until he cleaned up the virus, all I could envision was me on hold with tech support for hours, without getting any real help/answers, followed by me disconnecting the computer to send it out to be fixed and receiving a hefty bill for the service--all while my son languished (however happily) without computer access for homeschooling! My husband said he had no idea how the computer was cured; he said it was a miracle...
But what is a miracle? A noun, miracle is defined as 1. an effect or extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers and is ascribed to a supernatural cause; 2. such an effect or event manifesting or considered as a work of god [sic]; 3. a wonder; marvel. (1) Okay. So, as great a troubleshooter as he is, my husband is right: the removal of the virus from my computer and fact that I am able to type this blog entry today IS a miracle--albeit only in the sense of the third definition here.
But what constitutes a miracle in the sense of the first two definitions? Many people have used the word at one time or another to describe something they have witnessed or wished. But real, true miracles are such anomalies, so separate from those of us not directly affected, that it is difficult to really understand what a miracle is, what a miracle FEELS like.
I have been a direct witness to what my family believes is a miracle. When my father visited me several years ago, he developed a large growth in his neck, seemingly overnight. Upon his return home, he saw a doctor who discovered that it was a cancerous tumor that had been growing for some time; and things looked extremely bleak. Luckily, it turns out there were some folks in Heaven watching out for him...
Bernadette Soubirous |
My family is blessed to have witnessed such a great miracle. Anyone might bear witness to miracles such as these, through faith. Faithful prayer is our direct line to Heaven. It is good to know that between Mary, Jesus, and the holy Saints, we will always have the very best customer service representatives when we call Heaven's Tech Support!
"miracle." Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 09 Dec. 2010. <
Wikipedia contributors. "Lourdes." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 5 Dec. 2010. Web. 9 Dec. 2010.
Glad your computer is better. Glad you found some inspiration in the situation after all.
ReplyDeleteMiracles are happening all around us all the time. When we encounter traffic jams, indigestion, financial distress, or life threatening sicknesses, we are being given gifts. These trials of so many dimensions and levels of seriousness are actually markers in our lives that serve to remind us that we are so blessed just to be here. These moments of insecurity and stress remind us that we are indeed alive; we are lucky to be able to change how we do things, how we treat each other, and what we say so we can have rich, full lives. Truly... Gifts... 'Tis the Season....
I love you....