Friday, August 26, 2011

I am moved

I read the Word, and I am moved.
I know He speaks to me.
I read the Word, and in my heart,
I hear the angels sing:

Oh, God, my God!
What joy is there
That only You can bring!
Oh, God, my God!
Your Word rings true,
And I am moved to sing.

I read the words, and I am moved.
I hear the sorrow there.
I read the words, and feel the pain
That is so hard to bear.

Oh, God, my God!
What would You do--
What would You have ME do--
To soothe the heart
And soul on Earth
While we wait for You?

I read the Word, and I am moved.
It moves me toward the Light.
I read the words, and I am moved.
I pray to make things right.

Oh, God, my God!
I cry to You--
I beg on bended knee--
Oh, God, my God!
Draw close to You
All those who pray with me.

I am moved by our God who shares His Jesus with me, in the faces of my family...every day...

Friday, May 13, 2011

Religion in the Political Arena: One Brief Comment...

Separation of church and state puts American politicians in a very difficult position. For instance, Catholic politicians have a difficult balance to maintain, often torn between supporting the stance of the Church and supporting the nation as a secular whole.  House Speaker John Boehner, a Catholic, is in the news this week because of this issue.  The tough spot Boehner has faced re: his political position on programs for the poor is not an uncommon one.  The question is whether to support programs that help so many so much, or to partially or fully cut programs that are abused by so many so much.  This is not really a matter of religion--all true Christians support helping the poor, pretty much regardless of denomination.  This is an issue of politics—these programs need reform.  Now, I don’t presume to have the answers; I don’t know what measures of reform to implement that would solve the problem of abuse of federal programs for the poor.  All I know is that our nation has been ‘separated’ for so long from God that no one seems to know what to do at all; and we are floundering more and more every day…

Recent News Articles

Friday, May 6, 2011

My Odd Response to the Wolves...

I recently heard some great musical stylings and witnessed some good fun on the part of Christians outside of my denomination.  I am attracted to that stuff--always have been.  But just after I enjoyed it, warning bells went off in my head:  are these people the people who have been said to woo the soul of a person, in order to imprison one's heart and surreptitiously change one's mind with words like those the serpent used in Eden?  Could these people be the 'wolves' against whom I have been cautioned?  And, then, I got mad...really mad...

A Christian worldview is a Christian worldview is a Christian worldview, people!!  What does it matter how one person worships as opposed to how another person worships within the Christian community??  Different people choose different denominations, each with differences in doctrine.  But holding on to the basics--that Christ is our Savior--should inspire unity, not division; respect, not derision.  Operating according to that fact, and adhering to the Ten Commandments, should make for peaceable interaction between all Christians.  It makes me so upset when one Christian denomination condemns another Christian denomination based on social teachings of that church.  The focus should not be on judgment, but on persuasion to the Truth.  That is not to say that some churches have social teachings that are wholly or inherently bad; but, rather, that we are called as followers of Christ to be open to hearing the points of view of others and that we are called to convert mislead hearts by gentle persuasion.  There is no call for fire and brimstone condemnation, or any  judgment whatsoever on the part of the human church.--that should be left to God.  Our mission as Christians is to do God's will as exemplified by Christ on Earth, and in so doing, glorify God at every turn.  We are called to be glimmers of God in the world, rays of His Light to those whose vision is obscured.  But we are most definitely NOT called to judge or condemn.

So, I say, sing away Christian musicians!  Enjoy yourselves, Christian folk of every ilk!  You most definitely might be "'wolves in sheeps' clothing" from the standpoint of one or another specific denomination's doctrine; but so long as you are glorifying God, I'm down with that.  I mean, really, one Christian guy's howl is another Christian guy's "HALLELUJAH!!"


Saturday, April 30, 2011

Getting in Shape

Okay, God.  I hear You.  I mean, I hear You and I'm ACTUALLY listening.  You've been telling me for a long time now to get in shape; I just haven't paid attention...or else I have -- gasped -- ignored You!  But things are coming to a head now; and in retrospect, I have discovered that solutions have been offered (well, at least one) and that I have just not listened.  I am developing a plan:  tomorrow I will gather what I need; and Monday I will begin.  It's boot camp time...and this training will be anything but basic...!

(Bible study + exercise = awesome.)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Your mission, should you choose to accept it: Be Excellent.

We should make an effort to be extraordinary, rather than ordinary.  We should aim for the exemplary, rather than settle for the mediocre.  We should strive for excellence, rather than perfection.  Excellence is doable; perfection is God's business.

As we endeavor to be our best, most excellent selves, we must remember that there are those around us that do not have this same goal, or simply do not approach the mission in the same way.  This family is respectful of all people regardless of age, gender, race, family status, marital status, religion, disability, sexual orientation or any other difference that makes them special and unique in the eyes of God.  We may not agree with some of the choices made by others; but we do not pass judgment, as that is only God's prerogative.  All we can do is pray for others, and with others--after all, we are all seekers of one sort or another--that we might find God and that He might find us.  We can pray that our steps are guided to the path God chooses for each of us, and that we remain on that path even in light of the obstacles and temptations that are bound to spring up along the way.

In this way, we have set our sights on excellence.  We truly believe that we can attain excellence by meeting and accepting others wherever they are, and serving as beacons that illuminate God's intended paths (especially in times of difficulty or danger).  By aiming for excellence in this way, we function as prayers incarnate for one another.

I, for one, need all the prayers I can get.  I hope there are others out there who choose, on my behalf at least, to accept this mission to be excellent.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Fashion Show...

Sometimes I wonder about the personal tastes of my children when it comes to fashion.  I mean, do each of them really expect me to authorize them to wear their mismatched outfits out of the house?!?  "No," I say, "brown and white pants do NOT match with your yellow, black, and white checked shirt."  And, "Why in the world would you think that you should go without a jacket when it is 30 degrees outside, simply because the jacket is navy blue and the skinny jeans are gray?  Seriously?  You're kidding, right?"  At times like these, they frown and shuffle off to find the lone white shirt that matches with everything and the blue skinny jeans instead of the gray ones, completely unaware and unappreciative of the fact that their mother has just done them a great service...

We all have our favorite designers or trends that we follow.  But even when we think our fashion sense is well-informed and well-practiced, fashion issues can arise.  Maybe our favorite designer goes off the deep end, and covers every design in human hair, or starts spouting off antisemitic rhetoric, say.  Maybe the latest trend doesn't account for all circumstances; and wardrobe malfunctions--a broken heel or poor alteration, for instance--become the bane of our existence.  We all have worn two different shoes to the big meeting, or managed to spill soup on our ties before the PR photos.

People are sometimes the same way when it comes to spirituality.  Some people arrive at the fashion show, ready to walk the runway of life with the perfectly matched ensemble of faith and action.  Their Christian morals and values and character pervade their every action and interaction.  And when they pray, they shout it; when they are filled with the spirit, they sing it.  But some people arrive at the fashion show completely unprepared and disheveled, their actions opposite to their professed faith.  These people usually fall into one of two groups:  the delayed or the hypocritical.  The delayed are making an effort to clarify their Christian beliefs within themselves, but haven't quite managed to find a balance; so they run late to the show.  The hypocritical think it is enough to say they are Christians, even if their actions do not bear that out in public; so their outfits never fit quite right.  We all, I would wager, have had moments when we were unprepared or disheveled in our faith...

No fashion show is ever perfect--some people on the runway may be completely in their element; but others are wearing shoes that are one or more sizes too small; and others still are hiding last minute safety pins behind clumsy flowers.  Remember that, similarly, in life there will be trials and temptations, doubts and worries, ups and downs.  But if we make an honest effort to match our actions to our faith, with God's help we will reach a level of excellence that allows our Christian morals and values and character to shine forth as a light to those who are in the dark.  If we keep working towards excellence, and leave the perfection up to God, we will make it down the runway with grace; and this fashion show will go off without a hitch.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


PRAISE = Positive Response Amidst Incredibly Stressful Events

I recently discovered this acronym within a comment on a Facebook page I follow; and it certainly struck a chord with me.  As a military Mama and wife, I am doing my best to keep this acronym at the forefront of my thoughts right now.
The conflict overseas has taken so many of our military heroes away from families.  The conflict has caused so much upheaval and change.  The conflict has created so much stress for so many people in so many ways.  How can they get through it all?
One thing they can do is turn to God.  He knows our hearts; He knows what we need.  Praising Him can be an expression of our joy in the easier times, but also a great comfort in the tough times.  In times such as these, remembering to PRAISE is surely one of the best ways to cope, so our faces shine with grace and hope, along with our pride in those who have volunteered to serve and protect our nation and its citizens!

Below is a personal reflection informed by my military lifestyle (cross-posted from my Facebook page)...


Honor and Sacrifice

I am confident in my patriot: his competence and skill, his resolve and fortitude, his convictions and his faith; plus I accepted in advance the repercussions of our choice, including the probability of long separations.  We signed up for this, honored to be able to serve and support our great nation.  But my heart does ache for the children--mine and all the others--who bravely say goodbye and good luck and Godspeed, with proud and grateful hearts, all the while wishing for just one more pat on the back, one more story to be read, one more kiss before parting...

Freedom Fighters
by Erika Mehlhaff

It is our honor
And our sacrifice
To proudly stand and serve,
When all around us
Trouble sounds,
Drowning out the word:

We're a steady group
Of guardians,
Taking on our shoulders
The great albatross
Of this land:
The great struggle for

We know our duty;
we know our goal.
It's absolutely clear:
We are fighting for
Our love of
Our country and our
